2024/04/10 18:13
Today in front of my house

Katrin Paul

2024/04/11 1:54

1st meeting

Elmar Vestner

2024/04/11 1:58

Katrin Paul

2024/04/11 2:59
Cherry blossoms in the neighborhood

Ayame Ono

2024/04/11 2:59
First warm saturday afternoon… sitting in front of the kunstverein familie montez looking at the european central bank tower…

Toni Wombacher

2024/04/11 2:59

Is this Garbled text? I'm writing a message in Japanese.
as for me, I feel spring in this scene because I changed curtains for the first time in over more 10years at our studio.


2024/04/12 0:32


I found a plant in my neighborhood that grows in a strange way.
may be, it was blown down by strong winds.


2024/04/12 0:39
A few days ago I bought a box of old postcards at a flea market. Some of them are fully written, some of them are not. I looked at everyone. It was like diving into the past of the fifties and sixties. They are mostly cards from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. Maybe I can use them for my work. I'm interested in the contrasts, shapes and gradients. Also in the landscapes that no longer exist.

Toni Wombacher

2024/04/12 18:35
以前はよく線描きしていて、カトリンの雲を描いてみました、もうちょっとふわふわさせたかった。 2枚目の画像は、キヨシくんから届いた絵です。僕がキヨシくんとアヤメさんにベルリンで会った 面白いオジさんの写真を送ったんです。ムービーにそのおじさんが映っています、あとイザゲンツゲンの展覧会のピザの作品も、 ふたりともたまたま75歳でした。

トニのハガキたちもいいね。(ぼくの元会社のボス)師匠も似た朽ちかけたハガキをいっぱい持っていて、 それをアイデアの中枢と呼んでたことを思い出しました。


Hi everyone. I'm Ryoji.
I drawed line in Katrin's cloud. I used to sketch using lines often. I want to fluff it next time. The 2nd image was sent to me by Kiyoshi. I sent Kiyoshi & Ayame a photo of me meeting Mr at Berlin. and I shot "Pizza" Isa Genzken. The two men happened to be 75 years old.

I seem to have fun with these POSTCARDS photos that Toni emailed us. I have a boss from a previous company. He had similar Toni's postcards, It reminds me that he called them "the idea of ideas."

Ryoji Ishioka

2024/04/14 16:40
Two things i have on my mind today
The lines in the cloud reminded me of a work i did a couple of years ago.

Second this sculpture i was documenting the other day. A painter spilling paint on a mirror canvas is getting installed.

sent from phøne


Elmar Vestner

2024/04/16 08:00

写真の上に線。エルマーの送ってくれた画像が、なぜか少し不思議で面白いね。 画像に映ってる彼らと鏡に映ってる彼らは、 映画に出てくる量子力学でいう違う世界の接点、窓にも見えました

Hi everyone

Line above photo. Elmar sent these photos to us, It's fun. A mirror canvas is getting installed and mirrors in them. They are meeting for a moment in a different world. Like a movie about quantum mechanics.

Upside and down

Ryoji Ishioka

2024/04/17 23:37
The materials that are most familiar to me are stones. For example, a bookend made by a friend is made using the Aji stone from Takamatsu, Japan. Although I am not sure if stones have a will of their own, but feel that they have ended up here by chance after countless years.

-Is your Japanese text garbled?:
1番身の回りにあるマテリアルは石です。 例えば友人作のプロダクト、高松の庵治石を使ったブックエンド。 石に意志があるのか​​どうかは分かりませんが、 数え切れないほどの年月を経て、偶然ここに辿り着いてくれたのかもしれない。

Ayame Ono

2024/04/18 15:04
This is a stone that I took as a souvenir from a trip to the famous Kreidefelsen on the german island Rügen. The Kreidefelsen are often thought of as being an example of Romanticism since they were painted by Caspar David Friedrich in 1818. I love his work and a major retrospective of the painter will open in Berlin in the upcoming weeks.

Elmar Vestner

2024/04/18 20:44
This year's cherry blossoms bloomed unusually late, and while most of the cherry trees in Tokyo have fallen and are in leaf, a few yaezakura can still be seen.


kiyoshi kuroda

2024/04/18 20:51
The first drawing is a piece inspired by Elmar. The second is a sketch from a recent visit to the exhibition gallery.

1枚目のドローイングは、エルマーさんから触発された作品。 2枚目は、先日展示会場を観に行った時のスケッチです。

kiyoshi kuroda

2024/04/19 7:21
wow! Everyone is so aktiv. I would like to bring together the lines from enamel, the stone from elmar and a pice of my paperwork. Maybe I need some technical help, but first I will try myself…


2024/04/20 17:52
5月までに近所のいたるところに咲くこのポピーは雑草でも 綺麗な土壌でないと育たないと聞いて、それ以来花びらの赤が愛おしいです。 今日はキヨシくんの八重桜と近所のポピーに線を引きました


This poppy blooms everywhere until May. This red colour has become so pretty ever since I heard that they don't bloom in dirty soil. Today, I drew a line in the kyoshi cherries and neighborhood poppy Cherry & Poppy

Ryoji Ishioka