2024/04/29 23:08
Hello everyone

The artwork and images of stones you send me are very interesting and inspiring. I am working on a stone-inspired images and will send it to you later.

Today I am sending some artwork inspired by the stripes.


皆さんが送ってくれる石のアートワークやイメージは、とても興味深く、創作力を刺激してくれます。 僕も石からインスピレーションを受けた作品を今制作中なので、近々送ります。 今日は、ストライプからイメージした作品をいくつか送ります。

2024/05/03 22:46
Dear Ayame,

Dear all,

thank you for your mail and your wonderful high resolution pictures/works, Ayame ; )

It's amazing how we can influence each other.

I tried to find Riku Onda's Night Picnic. But I think the book exists only in japanese language. I've read "the Aosawa Murders". I liked it. There is this book of hers (in german language) "Fish Swimming in Dappled Sunlight". Do you know it? Can you recommend it? The paesina-stones are really special. Unbelievable that they are made by nature. : o

I feel really inspired by your collage works. There are ideas coming to my mind for a work I could realise for our exhibition in August.

.... to be continued

Toni Wombacher

2024/05/03 17:25
Dear Kiyoshi,

Dear all,

... continued

I like your stripe-works very much, Kiyoshi. Did my work inspire you?

Unfortunately my attempts to pack the stones in strips were not presentable ; )))

At the moment I'm preparing a show on May 23rd in Frankfurt. So time is short. But I am still thinking about / working on our Berlin-Tokyo-Project.

..... @all: I enjoy your work so much.

Toni Wombacher

2024/05/03 18:46
One of my favorite stone in german it is called KATZENGOLD it is pyrit I wonder if you have Japanese name for it

Katrin Paul

2024/05/03 22:46
Dear Toni

Dear all

The stripe work was of course inspired by your work. It is very exciting to see how the works affect each other. keep enjoy! so take it easy.


2024/05/05 15:09
Hi everyone.

Today is Children's Day in Japan. During this season, Sometimes we see “carp streamers” as well. Stone pattern with stone wrapped around it. I made a "carp streamer" with it that I made before. Breeze of May really feels good.

(The real carp streamers are not like this)
Katrin sent us an image of a stone that looks like a machine! I will make something.


今日、日本ではこどもの日。この季節には、たまに鯉のぼりを見かけます。 以前に作った石が包まれた石の模様の紙で鯉のぼりを作りました。この季節の風は、本当に気持ち良いです。 (本当の鯉のぼりはこんなじゃないけど) カトリンの送ってくれた石は、メカニカルだね! なんか作ってみよう

Ryoji Ishioka

024/05/09 22:26
Dear all,

In May, The weather is getting warmer in Tokyo.

Toni, I heard that "Night Picnic" was made into a movie in Japan (although I haven't seen it). I like "the Aosawa Murders" too ;) I haven't read it yet. Maybe I am going to give it a try. Also, Your work is inspiring to me.Thank you.

Katrin's favorite stone is beautiful.. .I think it would be Pyrite. It is a really cool stone with straight parts. Hard to feel from the pic, but I once used it as a silkscreen print motif.

Ishioka-San's wrapped stone is also very interesting. I had tried this idea before, and printed it on stone paper and wrapped it. It is really nice to wrap it in a pattern like this.

Let's keep moving on.


トニ、日本では夜のピクニックは(見ていないのだけど)映画化されたみたいです。ドイツ語版はないのですね、"the Aosawa Murders"は私も好きです ; ) "Fish Swimming in Dappled Sunlight" まだ読んでいないんです。トライしてみようかな。 私もまたインスピレーションをもらっています。ありがとう。

カトリンの好きな石美しいです…おそらく黄鉄鉱・パイライトではないかと思います。 直線的な部分があってすごくかっこいい石ですよね。 写真では分かりにくいですが、私も一度シルクスクリーンプリントのモチーフで使ったことがあります。

石岡さんの包まれた石も、すごく面白いですね。 私も以前こういうアイデアを試してみたことがあって、ストーンペーパーという石でできた紙に印刷をして包みました。 こういうパターンで包むのとてもいいですね。



2024/05/10 0:06
Dear all,

Today,I went to an exhibition at gallery method.

The theme is pedestal & frame Three artists will be present during the exhibition for a public set-up.

It was very interesting to see the process of transformation I am sending you some photos of the exhibition.


2024/05/10 0:09
In the gallery circle, various pedestals and works of art composed by the architects were lined up.


2024/05/18 20:50
Dear Team,

I hope you are doing well.

I have an exhibition opening next Thursday and have been very busy lately. Nevertheless, I was able to work on some new ideas for our joint exhibition. I would like to show you these.

For the transport of the works in July, I'm thinking of objects that are easy to transport, light and won't get damaged during transport. I want to create folded/ironed works that can be unfolded for the exhibition and hung on wooden sticks or small nails. The folds/pleats are then an essential part of the work. In June I will create some etchings. I could give these to you in a small, flat cardboard box. I am also thinking about inflatable works that can be transported flat. Here are a few impressions.
The boxes for DIN A3 (German industrial standard) are slightly larger than 297 x 420 mm (millimetres). I would not give you larger formats We have a long weekend in Germany. Pentecost is being celebrated. Most people in Germany are no longer religious. That's why it's simply nice for many people to have a day off. We artists work every day, of course ; )

Have a nice weekend.

Kind regards

2024/05/19 13:54

素敵な提案をありがとう 6月と7月に送ってくれる作品に会えること 楽しみにしています。

今、僕も来週からはじまるpopupでてんてこまいです。 それでも今週、僕たちの展示についての助成金依頼をする予定です。 ドイツへ送付いただける費用の助けになると思うので それについて、あらためてご連絡します!

Hi Toni
Thank you for letting us know. We are glad to be able to see your art in June and July.

I am busy with my exhibition too. I will stay for a week in Osaka. By the way, we are scheduled to apply for our grant-in-aid this week. We think they will help with shipping costs. We can let you know about that soon.

Ryoji Ishioka

Grant applications can be submitted to
