2024/06/13 19:48
Hi everyone

There is something we want to tell you. The name of our exhibition is being finalized. The Instagram account was changed.
mischen___(Underbar is three)

Instagram login info:
user:-- pass:--

Katrin's Objects that grow long, Toni's striped lines extend, Elmar's painted man, I get those from everyone's works and expand my ideas. I will send you images soon.

Ryoji Ishioka


展示のタイトルが決まりつつあるので、 インスタグラムのアカウント名を変更しました。 ミッシンのあとのアンダーバーは3つです。 https://www.instagram.com/mischen___/

user:-- pass:--

最近は、 カトリンの続いていくオブジェクトから、 トニのどこまでも伸びるストライプの線から、 エルマーの塗りつぶされた男の人から 発想を広げて、いろいろスタディをしているところです。 また今度こちらにもその様子を送りますね。

Ryoji Ishioka

2024/06/13 23:15

Hi everyone!

So sorry, since we are time wise behind you, the answers have not returned to me.

Now I gathered all the opinions.

mischen is not the best choice, we think that MIX, which means the same, but is also the same in english is the better fit.

So sorry for making you change the insta again.

One more question:
why are there three underbars?
6 for six people
or 2 for two countries?
Please let us know.

All the best


2024/06/13 23:45
I am so sorry again.
Elmer just pointed out that I did make a spelling error.
It should be
Threads! not treads

My bad,
all the best


2024/06/14 10:04
Hi Katrin and everyone

It is interesting that the answer is not immediately
because we are Group
each decision is for everyone, so let's talk about it.

About Instagram account
Firstly, I need to allow two weeks time to fix Instagram.
The time to fix word on "Threads" will be two weeks later.
In the meantime, I hope we can all find better and more appropriate names.

Still, the account is important and every time you change the name of the account
the previous link will be broken..

About "mischen"
In my opinion, the title should be in German, Japanese and, optionally, English.
and "mischen" is close to "MISSING" when pronounced.
Japanese people are not familiar with German very much
It's because remember by sound.

A mischen,
mischen_ (one underscore)
mischen__ (two underscores)
These were already acounts belonging to someone else.

mischen___(three underscores)
There is no reason beyond the fact that three underbars could be used.

Ryoji Ishioka






2024/06/14 18:02
Dear all

yes, it's right we have to talk about it.

about Instagram account

I think we have enough time to do the proper changes,
nobody is rushing us - we have to find the title first ; )


about "mischen"
when Germans say "mischen" it sounds a bit like the English word "Mission"
this is ok on the one side
on the other side "mischen" is a very basic German word which has a lot of positiv and negativ connotations.
It's obvious that we really have to admit that we are two cultures with all our historic-, language-, wording- and meaning-specialities.
It's so exciting.
If you would like to stay with the title "mischen___ threads_and_stripes_on_the_spot" that's absolutely fine with me.
Do you prefer a German expression for the main title???

We didn't speak about the title in detail in the German group. It's because each of us has and had so much going on. If it is ok (and not to late) for everybody I would like to start thinking about the main title again alltogether. I believe we are fine about the subtitle.
I would propose the two following ideas to provoke a discussion.

"mixtape___ threads_and_stripes_on_the_spot"

For Germans the term is less loaded with meaning. I think you have had the same thing in Japan in the 80s? It stands for bringing things together which are not necessarily belong together. They can, but they don't have to.
Wikipedia::::::"""A mixtape (alternatively mix-tape, mix tape or mixed tape) is a compilation of music, typically from multiple sources, recorded onto a medium. With origins in the 1980s, the term normally describes a homemade compilation of music onto a cassette tape, CD, or digital playlist. The songs are either ordered sequentially or made into a continuous programme by beatmatching the songs and creating seamless transitions at their beginnings and endings with fades or abrupt edits.[1] ."""

"news___ threads_and_stripes_on_the_spot"
The term is wide open. It says everything and nothing. The word is used in advertising since decades to arouse people's curiosity.
Maybe it says that we have come together for the first time, that we are trying something new, it describes our situation.
All the best,


Toni Wombacher
Elkenbachstraße 17
60316 Frankfurt am Main

2024/06/14 18:02
Dear Team Japan,

you're coming to Germany in July, right?
I wanted to know when you'll be here and in which city.
Is there any chance of meeting you?
Do you want to tell us your travel plans?
Best, Toni


2024/06/14 20:47
Dear All,

About communication,
the german team needs probably 24 hour to respond due to the time gap.

Between the time Kiyoshi told me the title to the alteration on instagram was not enough time.

As for me, I am fine, with

mischen / 混合
Threads and stripes on the spot

But I understand the cultural and historical objection from Toni.

mischen___(three underscores)
There is no reason beyond the fact that three underbars could be used.
I understand. I am fine with it.

As for Tonis proposal
"mixtape___ threads_and_stripes_on_the_spot“

since we are a visual team and not about music, it feels not suitable for me.
Again, sincere apologies for the miscommunication.
All the best


2024/06/14 20:47
Dear All,

how was your weekend?
I was bussy making some work in response to Ryoji line, I will send images later. I also build one more paper stone.

I wonder if we all 6 members can post our images on that account mischen___? I believe it would be a cool way to see our development.
I checked, in Germany you need full access to a Business-Portfolio to invite other persons to share the account, the administrator can give Permission.
Can you do that?

All the best


2024/06/14 20:47
Dear all

Katrin, Thanks for the suggestion.
I look forward to Katrin's work.

About the Instagram uploads.
Registered IG account mischen__ for 'Business-Portfolio'.
Three people from Japan are in the account to update the data.
The same may not be possible from Germany then,
Maybe you need to register everyone's account with Business-Portfolio

In that case, you'll need the id and pass for your account.
Before you do that, I want you to try it once.

Best, Ryoji Ishioka

2024/06/17 17:56
Hey everybody

A record I have been looking for for years is hopefully going to be rereleased today.
Wanted to share my favorite track from the album since it I think it fits the atmosphere of the stone works you have been sharing recently.

Elmar Vestner

2024/06/18 19:51
Thank you Elmar for sharing

very touching
Am 17.06.24 um 10:56 schrieb Elmar Vestner: