2024/06/18 19:48
Dear All

Great. Thank you very much for sending the dates.
I talked to Katrin today. She told me that you (Kiyoshi and Ryoji) will be in Frankfurt for the weekend of 27.6. and 28.6.
. It would be great to meet you there for dinner or on another occation. Maybe you (Ayame and Elmar) are also in Frankfurt?
If not, we could meet at the beginning of August in Berlin. Katrin and I would like to go and meet you also in Berlin.
@Elmar: Are you in Berlin at that time?

Dear Japan Team: It would be great if you could take our art works with you to Tokyo. - I try to do small, light works which can be transported easily. ... And like I wrote, I'm absolutely fine with "mischen___"
Thank you Japan Team for your work!!!
Happy to meet you in person soon.

Best regards,


2024/06/20 14:53
Dear Toni, Katrin and Elmar

Thank you so much for everything, including arranging the schedule.
I talked to Katrin today. She told me that you (Kiyoshi and Ryoji) will be in Frankfurt for the weekend of 27.6. and 28.6..
It would be great to meet you there for dinner or on another occation. Maybe you (Ayame and Elmar) are also in Frankfurt?
I (Ayame) will be able to make it in time, so we (Tokyo-team) will be able to stay in Frankfurt that weekend. We also think will be able to join you for the

opening on the 28th. It would be great if we also could all meet in Berlin, if it is not a problem.
Of course, We would like to bring as many of your works for this exhibition to Tokyo as possible.
Looking forward to meeting you in person, as well!



2024/06/20 14:59
Hi Elmer,

Aphex Twin's "Stone in Focus" is a very beautiful track, including the title. I see that this song is only available on the record.

Listen to it when I'm working. Thank you for sharing.


2024/06/21 15:02
Dear all

Thank you for sending Toni. I've also contacted Instagram. I received 'Stripes' from Frankfurt yesterday. I would like to share 'Stripes' with japan team.

I am not confident to explain in English, but I am very excited when I picked it up.

I am going to visit the opening party on 28 July in Frankfurt. It is also very exciting.

Hi Elmar, I love AphexTwin too. I saw Richard D. once in London, over 20 years ago. He was using a tank as his private car. Not actually a tank...


トニからちょうど1週間をかけてフランクフルトからストライプが届きました。 ありがとう。日本チームとも共有します。

モニターの画面でしか見てなかったものは、知っているようで知らない違ったものですね。 ストライプは手描きなのもとてもいいね、そこに手を置いて塗っていたんだということがわかるし、時間が歪んで今にくっついてるようにも感じました。 7/28、フランクフルトで開催されるオープニングに伺うつもりです、とても楽しみ!


エルマー、エフェックスツインは、僕も好きだよ、 20年くらい前に、ロンドンで一度リチャードDを見かけたんだけど 戦車を自家用車にしていたよ(実際は戦車じゃない)


2024/06/27 23:07
Hello all, I made a film in response to Ryojis films.

the disaster of lines made of dots

and also my first paper stone is ready.


2024/06/27 0:29
🤩 wonderful 🍒
Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Toni Wombacher

2024/07/04 21:06
Dear German team,

We have to send the press release to the media soon, so we would be glad if you could check the exhibition title one last time.

Mischen / 混合
Threads and stripes on the spot

Would it be better to use lowercase for "mischen"? Or would it work in uppercase too?
The title looks beautiful in uppercase, but we would like to hear the German team's opinion.

There is one more thing we would like to ask you,

-Name of the work/media
-Number of pieces
-Price (specify if not for sale)

All artists need to share a list of artworks with the gallery until the end of July, so we would be happy if you could put it together them little by little.

However, we have to be Germany around the 25th this month, so it would be helpful if you could send it to us as soon as you know. (I think it is possible to change it later) During the exhibition, our Japanese team will basically manage sales. Currently discussing the sales rate with the gallery, so will let you know again.

It is getting gradually hotter in Tokyo. We will keep you updated as make any progress towards the exhibition!





Mischen / 混合
Threads and stripes on the spot







2024/07/04 23:53
Dear Tokyo Team

Thanks for your message.
I will try to put sth together over the weekend. Hope that is alright with all of you.

Concerning the title. I prefer capital M
Has more impact in my opinion. ;)

Hope everyone is doing fine!
All the best,

2024/07/04 5:09
Dear All,

time flys by!

I will try to put sth together over the weekend. Hope that is alright with all of you.

same for me.

Concerning the title. I prefer lowercase m
mischen / 混合

the balance between long german word and compact Japanese character works better for me.
but I am also okay with M when the vote goes that way! 😀

See you soon in Germany.

all the best


2024/07/04 5:09
Dear all,

It is too hot and humid today in Tokyo
The following should be heard as one opinion.

With Die attached, you can imagine more German.
How about this?

Mischen / 混合
Threads and stripes on the spot

Die Mischen / 混合
Threads and stripes on the spot

Thanks a lot



Mischen / 混合
Threads and stripes on the spot

Die Mischen / 混合
Threads and stripes on the spot

