2024/05/30 0:48
Hello everyone

Hope you‘re all doing fine!

Was asked to join a group show here in Berlin. The show is called „Sex sells“ and the gallery is asking for works that I did almost 10 years ago. Its a series of works where i worked with images of found fottage of male pornography. I used brushes, sanding paper, solvent and qtips etc to dissolve the surfaces and create a veil, a thin layer of abstraction. Always fascinated by using destructive tools to create sth „beautiful“ and painterly.

Here are a few images.
All the best from Berlin


2024/5/30 22:56
Hello everyone

Last week, the Tokyo team participated in art book fair. We were able to make mockups and continue to work on the pieces that will be exhibited in August.

先週は、東京チームでブックフェアのイベントに参加してきました。 東京チームの写真も撮ってもらえば良かったですね。。

Hi, Katrin and Toni

Thanks for the nice pictures! I`m also looking forward to the arrival of the artwork.

Hi, Elmar

Thanks for the images of your work! I wish you a good exhibition.


2024/5/31 2:08
Dear All,

good to know everybody is busy!

some of the photographs look like food to me… I have association with „Stutenkerl“.

@ Kiyishi an Toni
I like the stripped animals.

I did try to make my stone, the pyrite, out of paper. Please let me know what you think.

All the best


2024/5/31 17:38
Dear all

I wanted to write you since days. There are so much things in my head which I would like to tell/answer you.

But not enough that I had to set up the exhibition and now starting to design the catalogue, I move my studio on Tuesday. I had to pack, organise, had to prepare the new studio and have to leave the old studio in proper condition.... and so on.

So I would like to let you know, that at the moment I work in my head for our project and am very delighted about your paper stone work Katrin, very moving photowork Elmar, your great art book fair and installations Ayame, Kiyoshi and Ryoji. I like the current exhibition in "place by method" very much. It's cool to change it every week. Is it a collaboration? Do you know the artists? Getting in touch with you soon... Have a great weekend with lots of art work ; ) All the best


2024/6/1 3:41
Dear all,

The Japan team joined in the art book& craft fair in Tokyo last weekend. (also attach a pic) I am glad to hear about your progress!

The series you are going to be exhibiting in the group show are very interesting, including the theme. Always fascinated by using destructive tools to create sth „beautiful“ and painterly. I also was fascinated with this concept and wish I could have seen the works in Berlin!

I did try to make my stone, the pyrite, out of paper. Please let me know what you think. Your paper work pyrite is so beautiful... I am creating a work inspired by this piece.

Thank you for your mail and happy to hear that you have prepared about our exhibition despite your busy schedules☺︎ I like the current exhibition in "place by method" very much. It's cool to change it every week. Is it a collaboration? Do you know the artists?

It was interesting and primarily curated by Japanese architect Tsutomu Nagaoka, who was also identify collaboration partners. Below is the information about the exhibition:

5.9 Public Exhibition A: Kazuto Kobayashi (https://outbound.to)
5.10 - 12
Exhibition A Period

5.13 Public Exhibition B: Masaru Sakuma (https://rondade-prototype.com)
5.14 - 17
Exhibition B Period

5.18 Public Exhibition C: Ben Nagaoka (http://point-tokyo.jp)
5.19- 22
Exhibition C Period

Exhibition D for Photography by Gottingham (https://a-z.gottingham.com)
Ben Nagaoka pedestal & frame 2024.5.9 (Thu) - 5.26 (Sun) 12:00 - 19:00*
@(PLACE) by method

Opening party 5.10 (Fri) 19:00-21:00
*14:00-19:00 on the following days for public setup, public exhibition change, and exhibition change for photography: Gottingham

The exhibition will be changed four times during the exhibition period using movable pedestals and frames. Please come and see how the relationship between space and place changes. The artist will be present on Saturdays and Sundays during the exhibition period from 14:00-19:00. During the exhibition period, guests will be invited to talk about pedestals and frames online.


2024/06/04 21:36
Dear all,

I send you a piece of stone work. I am going to draw sketches and complete the work.

We need to decide on a title for the exhibition soon. How about we ask you to give us a few words you are interested in and we will choose one of them?

I will let you know the words chosen by the Tokyo team later.


2024/06/07 11:37
Hi everyone

I'm back from Osaka
and I was studying from Katrin's work.
I'm sure that I want to study that, to see out of the invisible nothingness.


Ryoji Ishioka

2024/06/10 20:04

#study / draw a line
from Instagram Ryoji Ishioka